Kastabeng is a Blaan word which means "Helping"
One of the indigenous peoples (IP) of Southern Mindanao is the Blaan. Similar to the Tboli, they have their own unique dance and song, as well as colorful tribal attire and weaving traditions. But despite this wonderful culture that these people treasure, they are subjected to discrimination and belittling. This blog will help you discover how this ethnolinguistic group overcomes the marginalization of society by combating negativity through unity and compassion. You will explore practices, traditions, and delicacies that these wonderful people have that you will surely love to try. The discriminatory practices and stereotypes will also be discussed to give you learnings and clarifications. The Blaan DO NOT deserve to be marginalized.
Creators of this blog are mostly Blaan and they have written real life stories detailing the Blaan experience. Headed by the Development Communication students of New Brighton School of the Philippines Inc., together, let us discover how we can destroy the cultural divide by discussing misconceptions.
Let's empower the Blaan.